42 Episodes - 8 DVD Set
Space Patrol follows the adventures of Commander Corey and youthful
Cadet Happy as they roam the 30th century universe in their ship “Terra”
fighting super-villains Mr. Proteus and Prince Baccarratti and other
bad guys. Captured bad guys get zapped with the Paralyzer, then get
reprogrammed with the Brainograph. Space Patrol was originally aimed at
juvenile audiences of the early 1950s . However, it soon developed a
sizable adult audience and by 1954, the program consistently ranked in
the top ten shows broadcast on a Saturday. This collection includes 42
episodes. Starring:
Ed Kemmer,
Lyn Osborn, Nina Bara, Virginia Hewitt, Ken Mayer. DVD, Digitally Remastered. Space Patrol TV shows. The episode titles are available on our website. 42 Rare Episodes in an 8 DVD Set. Purchase this classic TV collection now from
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